Can you introduce yourself?
Hi! My name is Karlie, I’m a singer from Amsterdam and also running my Instagram account, I show my lifestyle and the things I love in my daily life. From clothing and deco to music and Paris and everything in between.
You are French. What makes you go to The Voice in the Netherlands?
In fact, I’m not French, I’m Dutch :) But it’s funny you thought so, cause I hear it a lot. I’m born and raised in a small town next to Amsterdam, called Amstelveen. But I did live in Paris for many years. That city really stole my heart and kept being my second home.
My style is really based on these years I was living the Parisian life, maybe that’s the reason you thought I was French :)
So that’s also why I chose to participate in The Voice in the Netherlands actually. It seemed the obvious choice.
The Voice Holland
The Voice Holland
The Voice Holland
The Voice Holland
Do you notice any difference about yourself after participating in The Voice?
Yes definitely. Sometime before I participated in The Voice, I went through a very rough time. I had a burn-out and couldn’t work for almost a year and a half. I couldn’t do anything the way I used to, so frustrating. And next to that I got huge stagefright. So The Voice was my first try to get back on stage (I like to push myself I guess). It was my first gig at the end of my burn-out and really part of the healing process. To get rid of the stage fright and all the fears that came along. Quite intense, but I’m so happy that I did it. It’s still a huge accomplishment.
I won’t say that it’s all behind me, cause post-burn-out, covid came along. For 2 months I’m really getting back more and more on stage and it feels different.
So I certainly have the feeling I have changed afterward. I’m more at ease, started to enjoy being on stage again, and figured out what I wanted to do with my career.
Less stress, more fun. And that’s for me releasing my own music. I’m so grateful for that.
Karlie during her burnout. - Sonja Koning Photography
Karlie during her burnout.
How did you overcome the stress and struggles during that one and a half years?
Definitely going into nature, spending time with my fiancé, family, and friends, reading a book, but most of all, being ok with doing just nothing for a little while.
I was the worst in taking some time off. I always had to work, didn’t see my family and friends as much as I wanted, missed always all the parties and birthdays because of work, and on a day off I felt like crap, cause I told myself I was ‘a loser’.
I’m a huge perfectionist, but I’ve really learned to take a few steps back, and that 90% is really ok as well. And that you need to reload as a human being. That you’re in fact the opposite of a loser ;)
Right now I feel so powerful when I decide to watch an episode on Netflix to have a little daytime break, or just to enjoy the sun. To reload is everything and even made me more creative and at the end of the day, I’d finish so much more than before, but in a healthier way.
And I managed to find myself a hobby. That’s how my Instagram account was born. During my burn-out, I wanted to do something low-key which wouldn’t have anything to do with my life as a singer. I always loved clothes (which girl doesn’t) and decorating our home, so I started to share that on my account.
Right now this hobby grew a lot, but it’s still a place where I can let go of everything and just soak in positivity. Kind of like an online magazine. And the interaction I have with my followers is making me so happy.
Karlie recording music.
Making a music video of new release!
Karlie going to a radio gig.
If we could go back in time, what would you say to yourself when you were at the lowest point of your life?
Definitely going back to the 1,5-year burn-out. I can’t even really explain, but it felt like I lost myself completely.
I wasn’t able to do anything the way I did. The panic attacks were daily. I could only cry, be scared, and sleep. And it felt as if I’d lost my whole identity. My job as an artist was and is really my life. It makes me who I am.
So when I could only be home, start to heal, and get better, it was really hard that my life was ‘gone’. Now I know it wasn’t forever, but at that time I couldn’t relate at all.
It was so frightening.
Thank goodness I had so much help from the ones I love and a very good therapist.
And I never thought I would say this, but even though it was the hardest time of my life, I’m kind of ‘grateful’ for it. Cause I grew as a woman, as a person, and as an artist.
Yes, I still love to work hard, but in a healthy way.
There’s time for ambition, but there’s also a big amount of time to reload and to make memories with the ones I love.
Maybe Karlie the artist is my life, but quality time off is important now.
You've been a long-time friend of ours; what do you think of HÁI as a brand?
I just love love love your brand. The fabric, the story behind it, the creations. I’m crazy about your brand haha.
When I have to grab a piece to go to the beach, it’s 99% one of your pieces (except for laundry or when it’s drying).
It feels like I’m wearing nothing but in a good way. It’s so soft and I feel sexy and comfortable when I’m wearing them.
Any words of encouragement to other women who are in the same situation?
Talk to someone, and let others help you. And really, you’re NOT alone going through this.
At the time I felt like I was the only one experiencing this and it made me feel so alone, but when I started talking about it, more and more people were open about their stories.
And really, you’ve pushed yourself way too much over too many limits. Take ALL the time you need to get back on your feet and don’t rush anything.
Your health, body, and mind are the most important things in the world and you WILL get out of this, sooner than you think. Really ♡.
Photo taken after Karlie overcoming her biggest struggle!
Photo taken after Karlie overcoming her biggest struggle!